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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Papers should be completed in Microsoft WORD 2000 (or higher Version) and typed on 7.40” by 9.81” paper, double spaced.
  • The first page of the papers should have a spacing of 1.5 inch from the top edge and a 1 inch margin on both sides and bottom of the page. All other pages will have a 1 inch margin all around.
  • The title should be in bold and in Times New Roman 16 point font and the names of the authors should be in Times New Roman 12 point font in capital letters.
  • There should be a 0.25 inch (¼ inch) space between the title and the names and affiliations of the authors.
  • Abstracts (for full papers) should not exceed 120 words typed in Times New Roman with 12 point font, and be placed o.25 inch (¼ inch) below the names and affiliations of the authors.
  • The first heading should be Times New Roman in Bold, 12 point font, centered. The second headings should be Times New Roman bold, 12 point font, with a 0.25 inch (¼ inch) space from the text and the third headings should be Times New Roman bold and italics, 12 point font, with a 0.25 inch (¼ inch) space from the text, and left aligned.
  • The text should be in Times New Roman 12 point font, paragraphs should be justified with double space between paragraphs and references and notes should also be left justified.
  • Tables, Figures and Illustrations – Use the entire page width for tables and graphs, where required. All tables, figures, Illustrations, etc should be placed in the appendix at the end of the paper instead of within the text. The endnotes should be consecutively numbered within the text and substance of the endnotes should appear at the end, preceding the references.
  • Paper must not exceed 30 double spaced pages including tables, figures, illustrations, and references.
  • Contract details of each author must be given in a separate cover page with the submission for potential use by the editorial office and later by the production office.


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